Contact us

we get your questions answered



Important note: our studios are located on different addresses in Amsterdam East. You can find the correct address in your confirmation email. Below you can find the locations on Google Maps.

Sfeerimpressie van The Livingroom studio op de contactpagina

The Livingroom

Timorplein 31
1094 CC Amsterdam

Impressie van The Loft studio op de contactpagina

The Loft

Timorplein 37
1094 CC Amsterdam

Impressie contactpagina adres The Playground fotostudio van Atelier Oost Amsterdam

The Playground

Veemarkt 36D
1019 DD Amsterdam

Give it a call, we're ready for you



After scrolling through our website and checking the FAQ you still have a question left for us? Our team is ready to answer your all questions. We are available on weekdays from 09:30h to 16:30h. You can call us or send an email. We usually try to answer your question within 24 hours.

You need your answer fast, because you need to book as soon as possible? Contact us via Whatsapp by clicking the button at the bottom right of this page.

our team makes you feel at home

Roos van team Atelier Oost Amsterdam

Atelier Oost Amsterdam

Atelier Oost Amsterdam is part of Atelier Oost Amsterdam B.V.


Billing address

Atelier Oost Amsterdam BV
Timorplein 37
1094 CC Amsterdam
The Netherlands

CoC: 86852655
VAT number: NL864115623B01
BANK: NL05BUNQ2055478281