8 tips for good website photography

The branding of your business stands or falls with the right image. This is precisely why good website photography is so enormously important. With the photos on your website, you not only show who you are, the identity of your brand or company also comes to the fore. This creates recognition. Follow our tips. This way you can make sure your website photos look professional and convey the right message.

The importance of good website photography

Let's start with the basics. In fact, a lot of research has been done on the role of good photography website in brand branding. For example, Jakob Nielsen, a well-known website usability consultant, conducted an eye-tracking study. He found that website photography that does not add value to the page in question is totally ignored. So it is crucial that a photo does not serve as padding, but really tells you something.

Research shows that people respond more positively to photos that show faces. Showing someone's face increases conversion rates. We understand that this is different when you mainly show products. But even then you can add a personal touch by using a team page, for example. In addition, you come across a lot more trustworthy.

Footage by product photographer Roos Oosterbroek for Studio Yellow Block in The Loft studio
Studio: The Loft
Photo credits: Roos Oosterbroek
Product photography inspiration for Laura Pasquino in The Loft studio
Studio:The Loft
Photo credits: Roos Oosterbroek

1. Good preparation...
Of course you do not just start photographing, it is advisable to find a good photographer who fits your vision. On our blog we give you an overview of the photographers we like to work with. You can specifically choose for interior photographers or personal branding photographers. Next, plan a short conversation together. During this, you can mention some unique points of your personality, which the photographer will later highlight in the photo.

Discuss well your company's vision and identity. Create a mood board together (Pinterest is great for this). Or prepare this on your own and present the result to your photographer. The right use of colour in your outfit(s) is important: make sure it matches the feeling you want to convey. Of course, it is hugely important that you feel comfortable in the clothes you wear.

2. Natural lighting

The 125-square-meter The Loft is our largest studio and gives that quintessential New York City feel. The high ceiling and large windows allow daylight all the space it needs to magically enter the studio. Keep in mind the result you have in mind. Go for direct sunlight in the morning or brighter daylight in the afternoon. Or shoot during golden hour when you want a soft, golden glow. We recommend a time slot in the morning for creative or domestic photography, for example. A booking in the afternoon is very nice when the images may be more businesslike.

Since we also regularly face rainy weather in the Netherlands, bringing one or more lights and/or strobes is not an unnecessary luxury.

product photography studio inspiration by Heidi Git for VLUV in The Bedroom
Studio:The Bedroom
Photo credits: Heidi Gita
ondernemersfotografie inspiratie door Atelier Shai
Studio: The Living Room
Photo credits: Atelier Shai

Use the right equipment for website photography

3. The right equipment for website photography
You need (not immediately) a professional camera to take good pictures. Of course, this is recommended. Nowadays there are also plenty of companies that rent out cameras for a day (or part). Super convenient! If you are serious about photography, an SLR or system camera can be a nice investment. Or bring in a professional photographer, then you can be assured of the best photos for your website.

Tip: Invest in a tripod to create a tight image. And bring one or more lenses for nice sharpness and depth of field.

4. Composition
Zorg ervoor dat je foto’s voor website een goede compositie hebben. Durf hier eens mee te spelen en probeer verschillende hoeken- en standpunten uit. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld eens van onderaf fotograferen, of juist op een verhoging gaan staan. Neem verschillende, speelse houdingen aan en maak gebruik van de ruimte die je hebt. In onze studio’s vind je veel verschillende hoekjes en set-ups waarmee je kunt afwisselen. Experimenteer en schuif ook eens met de meubels en accessoires die je bij Atelier Oost Amsterdam vindt. Wat dacht je bijvoorbeeld van onze koffietafelboeken, kristallen, schalen en vazen als accent? Dit zorgt voor een persoonlijke noot.

Also highly recommended is trying out different distances. Go for nice portrait shots and also make sure you have enough footage where you or your product is in full view. Alternate the position of the camera between horizontal and vertical. And don't forget to photograph the details. That way you can, for example, bring out a special fabric, accessory or feature.

Visagie voor fotoshoot in fotostudio van Atelier Oost Amsterdam door Gerriët Brouwer
Studio: The Living Room
Photo credits: Antoinet Murier

5. Your unique style

Ontwikkel jouw eigen, consistente stijl voor website fotografie en houd deze altijd aan. Dit zorgt ervoor dat mensen je gaan herkennen. Jouw werk is je visitekaartje voor nieuwe klanten! Gebruik bijvoorbeeld steeds dezelfde achtergrond of omgeving, zorg voor een signature nabewerking of ga voor een unieke compositie. Consistent zijn zorgt ervoor dat jouw foto’s voor website een uniforme en hoge kwaliteit uitstraling krijgen. Heb je vaker website fotografie nodig? Denk er dan eens over na om meerdere keren in een Atelier Oost Amsterdam studio terug te komen.

6. Proper aftercare

Make sure images are the right size for your website. If they are too large, it can slow down the loading time of your website and this causes visitors to drop out. Therefore, invest in a good program where you can resize your images website. Or ask your photographer to provide them.

In addition, editing your photos can make a big difference. Play around with brightness, contrast and color to make your work look more professional. Again, working in a program like Lightroom or Photoshop is recommended. With a good photographer, you can often agree on a package price. In that case, the photos website will also be beautifully edited right away.

Fashion fotografie inspiratie door Chantal de Graaff in The Loft fotostudio
Studio: The Loft
Photo credits: Chantal de Graaff

A personal photo makes your website attractive

7. Make it personal
Avoid stock photos: using them can sometimes be convenient, but always try to shoot your own. Through your unique website photography, you establish an authentic brand and build rapport with both existing and new customers.

8. An inspiring location
Laat je inspireren door de mooie ruimtes van Atelier Oost Amsterdam, waar fotografen de mooie websitefoto’s maken. Met onze minimalistisch ingerichte ruimtes kan het gewoon niet mis gaan. Onze studio’s vormen de perfecte, neutrale fotoachtergrond voor ieder soort website fotografie. Wat dacht je van opvallende, rijkelijk gekleurde outfit foto’s die nóg mooier uitkomen tegen de serene sfeer van The Living Room? Of ga juist voor een uniforme look in aardetinten voor een professionele business shoot in The Loft.

Through our online booking system you can very easily make your own booking. As mentioned earlier, The Living Room and The Bedroom are closing as of April 26, so this is the perfect opportunity to shoot here just a little longer.